News & Events


Dear Customer, Partner, Supplier

In reference to the recent events of Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread in Italy, we would like to inform you that Clevertech S.p.A. headquarters are far away from outbreak area and we are currently 100% operative. Our operations are running at max capacity in this period and we have machines FAT almost every week.

We have adopted all the necessary procedures following the authorities notices and to now no-one of our employees has contracted the Coronavirus or is at risk of contracting it.

Our assistance is located in different continents and countries worldwide and is fully at your disposal for technical interventions already programmed at your plants, thus, before their travel we ask you to guarantee the operative safety and security too.

Our technical support is present and operative in United States, Mexico, Italy, France, Czech Republic, India using, remote, phone, mail or conference call assistance or any other tool available. 

Even in difficult moments as the current one, Clevertech would like to be close to the partners professionally and proactively carrying on the necessary service and at the same time guarantee the safeguarding of its employees and customers.

Clevertech Team      
